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Relationship Counselling

Relationship counseling, also called couples counselling. This type of counseling helps couples of all types to explore, recognize, and resolve conflicts in an effort to improve their relationships and interactions.

Helping couples address problematic patterns in their relationships, develop better communication and healthy conflict resolution strategies. WF Counselling offers a private Partner Assault Response (PAR) program for individuals charged with a criminal charge 

Happy couples find regular counselling sessions help them maintain and enhance their healthy relationships. Together, they learn how to work through disagreements and other relationship issues, improve their emotional and physical intimacy, and understand one another on a deeper level.
Couples counseling is generally ideal for addressing relationship issues but individual counseling can be a good alternative depending on the circumstances. In fact, there are times when this option may be a better one than couples counselling.
Counseling helps couples take time out of their busy lives and come together to really focus on themselves. The counselor acts as a sort of mediator between the spouses and facilitates healthy and effective communication.